So...what you guys really want to know is what I sewed for Mother's Day. friend Jen had mentioned that she would really like a case for her leather lighted Kindle cover because it was getting scratched so easily in her purse. And I am always one to rise to a challenge! So I found a link to a wonderful laptop tutorial on SewMamaSew's blog that was also nice enough to give the formula to use it for other types of covers. This one won my vote not only because it had the formula to adapt for my needs, but also because it had a flap (and not a zipper), used velcro and was nicely lined. So the first kindle cover I made ended up going to my mom for Mother's Day. I used a brown, satin quilted fabric I had left over from another project with a brown, turquoise and lime paisley I bought with the Kindle cover in mind. I did the stitching in turquoise to give it a little pop on the outside top-stitching.
I feel like all three of these have turned out beautifully! One thing I learned is that I do better to add 2" to the calculation for measurements instead of one. Because for some reason, try as hard as I might, the 1" is just barely big enough for the Kindle that is already housed in a case. I have one more to make for Mary's birthday present (don't's not a surprise. I let her pick out her own fabric for her's! LOL). She chose the brown quilted fabric with the lime and turquoise paisley.
My next project is cut and ready... It will be a dress for my middle niece, Kiana. This is my first time working with a patterned fabric in a garment and I hope it goes okay. Lucky for me, I picked one that has a "loose" pattern and doesn't necessarily have to match very well (it looks like a tie-dye). But I will post more once it is finished.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!